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YJ2203 Lavender 薰衣草香
- 《本草通玄》裡記載:沉香,溫而不燥,行而不洩,扶脾而不運轉不倦,達腎而導火歸元,有降氣之功,無破氣之害,詢為良品。
- 《本草綱目》裡記載:「沉香,氣味辛,微溫,無毒。用於:風水毒腫,去惡氣;主心腹痛,霍亂中惡,邪鬼疰氣,清人神;調中,補五臟 ,益精壯陽,暖腰膝,止轉筋吐瀉冷氣,破症癮,冷風麻痺,骨節不任,風濕皮膚癢,氣痢;補脾胃,益氣和神。治氣逆喘急,大腸虛閉 ,小便氣淋,男子精冷」。
- The Herbal Medicine Guide recorded that the use of Chenxiang was recommended because it was mild and offered balancing effect for our body. Compendium of Materia Medica, another classical Chinese pharmacopoeia, said despite its strong fragrance, Chenxiang was mild and non-toxic. It could help to alleviate nausea and vomiting, treat stomach ache and dysentery, improve respiration and asthma, reduce edema and inflammation-related ailments, relieve itchiness, indigestion and constipation, as well as mitigate blockages, tumors, and problems associated with urination and sperm creation. It could also promote qi circulation and improve the functioning of organs, eliminating fatigue and pains.