MAXMEN is the first product from the CalerieHealth® supplement line made just for men. Male health is a top priority at CalerieHealth®.
Using high quality ingredients, including branded ashwagandha, chromium, zinc, and piperine, along with vitamins D, B12, B6, calcium, mycelium (cordyceps extract), and diindolylmethane, MAXMEN is designed to support a man’s normal healthy testosterone levels and energy production as he ages.
The formulation of MAXMEN has been carefully designed with ingredients that work synergistically to elevate testosterone levels, improve lean body mass, assist with weight loss and muscle gain goals, and boost the body’s natural energy production.
男力健 是CalerieHealth® 補充劑系列中第一個專門為男性製作的產品。男性健康是CalerieHealth® 的首要任務。
使用優質成分,包括品牌南非醉茄、鉻、鋅和胡椒鹼,以及維生素 D、B12、B6、鈣、菌絲體(冬蟲夏草提取物)和二吲哚甲烷, 男力健 旨在支援男性正常健康的睾丸激素水平和隨著年齡的增長而產生的能量。
男力健的配方經過精心設計,其成分能夠協同工作,提高睾丸激素水平,改善體重,協助實現減肥和增肌目標,並促進身體的自然能量的產生。 *
How to Use
Take three (3) Capsules per day with water before breakfast or between meals.