CalerieHealth® Rejuve Medley Drink is a supplemental beverage meant to support your health from the cellular level and beyond. Packed with three major antioxidants cultivated using pristine Himalayan Mountain water, combined with the best antioxidant enzyme SOD (Superoxide dismutase), CalerieHealth® Rejuve Medley Drink is a powerhouse of nutrition for full body support.
The antioxidants come from four powerful sources: SOD, Alaska Wild blueberries, Pterostilbene, and Organic Astaxanthin.
Designed as a grab-and-go pouch, you can reap the health benefits at any time of day with just a few quick sips. It can easily travel with you for convenience, so you can support your cellular health and immunity everywhere you go.
CalerieHealth® 紫妍露富含四種經典的抗氧化成分:抗氧化酶 SOD(超氧化物歧化酶 )、 AlaskaBlue™ 野生藍莓、紫檀芪和 AstaReal®蝦青素。四種明星成分有效結合,不僅能有效調節身體素質,還能維持自身免疫力。此外,這種素食配方結合了數十種超級水果精萃及L-OptiZinc®蛋氨酸鋅,營養全覆蓋,是維持細胞水平整體健康的完美配方。便攜小包,每日一袋,即刻為身體輕鬆補充營養。
How to Use
Whether in the morning or during the day, this grab-and-go pouch is designed to deliver key nutrients in one quick sip.*