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Lishan Tea
- 梨山是全台灣海拔最高的高山茶產區,其海拔高度高達2600公尺。一般稱梨山茶者,至少種在海拔2000公尺以上。梨山地區海拔高,天氣的特徵是晝夜溫差大,春夏之交,整天雲霧籠罩,是孕育茶樹的最佳環境。
- 梨山高冷茶屬於烏龍茶,是烏龍茶品種之一。
- 製成的茶葉品質極佳,色澤翠綠鮮活,茶湯滋味喉韻甘醇,香氣優雅且極耐沖泡,堪稱茶中至尊。
- 梨山高冷茶滋味甘醇,滑軟,厚重帶活性,香氣淡雅,水色蜜綠顯黃及耐沖泡,甜梨果香,潤滑高雅等特色。
- 飲用梨山烏龍茶有瘦身的作用,能夠刺激胰臟脂肪分解酵素的活性,減少醣類和脂肪類食物被吸收,消食去膩、生津利尿、減肥健美。 梨山烏龍茶除了與一般茶葉具有提神益思,消除疲勞、生津利尿、解熱防署、殺菌消炎、解毒防病、消食去膩、減肥健美等保健功能外,還突出表現在降血脂、抗衰老等特殊功效。
- 產地: 台灣
- 重量:(1 罐裝)150克 / 2 罐共 300 克
- Lishan is the highest mountain tea producing area in Taiwan, with an altitude of 2,600 meters. Generally known as Lishan tea, it is cultivated at least above 2000 meters above sea level. The Lishan area is high above sea level, and the weather is characterized by a large temperature difference between day and night. At the turn of spring and summer, clouds and mists are shrouded all day, which is the best environment for nurturing tea trees.
- Lishan high-cold tea belongs to oolong tea and is one of the varieties of oolong tea.
- The tea leaves are of excellent quality, emerald green and fresh in color, and the tea soup tastes sweet in the throat, elegant in aroma and extremely resistant to brewing.
- Lishan oolong tea tastes sweet, smooth, thick and active, with elegant aroma, water color, honey green, yellowing and brewing resistance, sweet pear fruit aroma, smooth and elegant, etc.
- Drinking Lishan oolong tea has the effect of slimming, it can stimulate the activity of pancreatic lipolytic enzymes, reduce the absorption of carbohydrates and fatty foods, eliminate food and get rid of greasy, promote fluid and diuresis, lose weight and fitness.
- Lishan oolong tea not only has the functions of refreshing, anti-fatigue, promoting body fluid and diuresis, antipyretic, anti-inflammatory, detoxification and disease prevention, digestion and fat reduction, weight loss and fitness, etc. and other special effects.