GLOW is a delicious beauty-forward supplement designed especially for women looking to enhance their natural beauty and wellness from the inside out.
In addition to optimizing your natural radiance on the outside, GLOW works to support cellular wellness as well as the health of your brain and immune system.
GLOW is formulated with science-backed functional ingredients, including potent antioxidants that work at the cellular level. The feature ingredients in GLOW include Hyaluronic Acid, Sialic Acid from Edible Bird’s Nest, Superoxide Dismutase (SOD), L-Theanine, and L-Glutathione.
燕窩酸靚素,是一款專為女性研發的美味細胞營養聖品,幫助女性由內而外改善面容和健康。 靚素能支持細胞、神經及免疫系統健康。滋養細胞,潤澤肌膚,令您容光煥發。 它的黃金比例配方富含科學的功能性成分,包括口服透明質酸(玻尿酸)、燕窩酸、超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)、L-茶氨酸和L-穀胱甘肽。產品獲得多項國際權威認證,包括國際反興奮劑組織指定的informed sport無違禁物認證,且適合素食、清真飲食和無麩質飲食人群。
How to Use
CalerieHealth® GLOW is a convenient daily supplement designed specifically for adult women. Simply take one stick pack per day, with a meal, and allow it to dissolve in your mouth.
CalerieHealth® 燕窝酸靓素是一种专门为成年女性设计的方便的日常补充剂。只需每天在用餐时服用一包,并让它在口中溶解。