Longevity research shows that a calorie-restricted diet without malnutrition reduces the incidence of age-related conditions. In fact, a clinical trial shows that Calorie Restriction (CR) affects many processes that regulate the rate of aging. Research supports the effects of intermittent fasting and its ability to put our body into ketosis, a state where the body burns fat for energy. CalerieHealth® supplements support longevity and healthy weight management with ingredients that mimic CR and exercise by boosting NAD+ levels and activating Sirtuins.*
長壽研究表明,沒有營養不良的卡路里限制飲食可以減少與年齡有關的疾病的發生。事實上,一項臨床試驗表明,卡路里限制(CR)會影響許多調節衰老速度的過程。研究支持間歇性禁食的效果及其使我們的身體進入酮症的能力,這是一種身體燃燒脂肪獲取能量的狀態。 CalerieHealth® 補充劑支持長壽和健康的體重管理,其成分通過提高NAD+水平和激活Sirtuins模擬CR和運動。
How to Use
Take two (2) capsules per day with water before breakfast or between meals on an empty stomach.