About Product
Qingxin Oolong Tea 青心烏龍茶
- All the teas in our store are selected from the Yilan Spring Tea Evaluation Competition’s award-winning farmhouse teas. All the products have passed the inspection and have no pesticide residues or added artificial flavors and pigments. The tea garden is located in the southeastern end of Yilan County, in a quiet small village on the upper reaches of the Dongshan River, in the Zhongshan Leisure Agriculture Zone. The area is surrounded by mountains and faces the ocean to the east. Therefore, the soil is fertile, the rain is sufficient, and the climate is mild, which is very suitable for tea tree cultivation and the products made from it. The tea has a unique flavor.
- Tea tree species are relatively fragile, have low yields, are less resistant to pests and diseases, are intolerant to drought and cold, and have higher management costs. However, the oolong tea made from semi-fermented tea tree species has the characteristics of fresh aroma, sweet tea soup, mellowness and sweetness.
- Directly operated by the tea factory, shipped to the United States by air, limited quantity
- 本店茶品皆選用宜蘭春季茶葉評鑑比賽獲獎優良農家茶品,產品都具有合格檢驗,無農藥殘留、無添加人工香精及色素。茶園位於宜蘭縣內東南端,冬山河上游寧靜小村莊,中山休閒農業區,該區四面環山,東面海洋,故土壤肥沃,雨水充足,且氣候溫潤,極適宜茶樹栽種,且所製成的茶葉風味獨特。
- 茶樹種較脆弱,產量少,較難抵抗病蟲害,不耐旱寒,管理成本較高,但其樹種半發酵製作而成的烏龍茶,具有清新香氣、茶湯甜美生津、圓潤回甘足的特點。
- 茶廠直營, 空運來美, 數量有限